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Pestizid Aktions-Netzwerk e.V.

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30.07.2009, PAN Germany, Susanne Smolka


The new EU Legal Framework on Pesticide Use: National implementation and participation of the Civil Society in Central-Eastern EU (pdf-file, 123 kb)


Overview of the Framework Directive – What has been decided?, Gergely Simon, Levego Munkacsoport (pdf-file, 307 kb)

Together we can ensure successful National Action Plan implementation across the EU, Dr Stephanie Williamson, PAN Europe (PAN UK) (pdf-file, 117 kb)

View of the Hungarian authority concerning the new EU pesticide legislation, Gábor Tőkés, Central Agricultural Office, Budapest, Hungary (pdf-file, 2 MB)

The German Action Plan – Identifying key elements and objectives, Susanne Smolka, PAN Germany (pdf-file, 318 kb)

The process of Identifying the Key Elements and Objectivesin Bulgarian Action Plan, Valentina Lukova, FoE Bulgaria (pdf-file, 117 kb)

How could be used EUROfunds for support of IPM, Daniel Lešinský, CEPTA (pdf-file, 545 kb)

Pesticide residues in Hungary, János Pál, Clean Air Action Group (pdf-file, 199 kb)

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