22.06.2010, PAN Germany
On 22.6.2010 the European Parliament Committee for Environment voted on its first reading position for new EU provisions on the authorisation and marketing of hazardous products like wood preservatives and insecticide sprays. Pesticide Action Network Germany welcomes the outcome of the vote as it significantly improves the Commission's approach in view of several provisions, but urges the European Parliament to fill serious loopholes that are attended by the new proposed authorisation system.
The members of the Environment Committee recommended to ban also persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic substances or very persistent and very bio-accumulative substances which is a step forward. PAN Germany welcomes that MEPs are in favour of establishing substitution plans in order to phase out such highly hazardous biocides and to develop sound alternatives.
Furthermore, PAN Germany supports the adoption of amendments for the better protection of vulnerable groups and to consider combination effects. The introduction of mandatory measures for the sustainable use of biocides is another essential improvement.
On the other hand, the approach of the Environment Committee will further weaken data requirements. The members also intend to introduce an insufficient authorisation system for household biocides and other products on EU level. A sufficient time line for the evaluation of applications by the European Chemical Agency ECHA is not guaranteed and member states do not have enough rooms for manoeuvre in order to adequately comply with stricter national criteria for the protection of environment and human health. Furthermore it remains uncertain if dangerous products can also be replaced by non-chemical alternatives and if all biocidal-treated articles get a labelling.
PAN Germany urges the MEPs to overcome with these loopholes in the plenary vote of the European Parliament in September this year. A detailed assessment of the vote will be provided by PAN Germany soon.
Press Release, dated June 23rd 2010
NGO recommendations on the ENVI-vote Download (pdf-file, 238 kB)
Contact: Christian Schweer, tel. +49 40 399 19 10-27, email: christian.schweer(at)pan-germany.org
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