30.11.2006, PAN Germany Presse-Information
New PAN Germany website now online to support the implementation of the International Code of Conduct for the Distribution and Use of Pesticides
On 3rd December 2006, the Day of No Pesticide Use, PAN Germany launches a new website to promote the implementation of the International Code of Conduct for the Distribution and Use of Pesticides.
Carina Weber, PAN Germany Program Director: "Pesticides harm people and the environment and can have high economic costs. If everyone would keep to the Code of Conduct, pesticides would cause far less damage, especially in developing countries. Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany, in cooperation with all PAN Regional Centres, has developed a new website to support civil society organisations and others in becoming active in the implementation of the Code."
The website www.fao-code-action.info is a one-stop location for getting to know what the Code says about the responsibilities of governments, the pesticide industry, the food industry, farmers and public interest groups to prevent harm caused by pesticides. In addition you can easily identify what the Code says about important pesticide-related issues including pesticide use, pesticide advertising, pesticide labelling and distribution and also about alternatives to toxic pesticides. Support pages provide information on useful resources and suggestions for action.
The Code of Conduct is a worldwide guidance document on pesticide management for all public and private entities engaged in, or associated with, the distribution and use of pesticides. It was adopted in 1985 by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations. In 2002 the FAO Council approved a revised and improved version but so far the Code is still a paper tiger.
On the Day of No Pesticide Use, many civil society organisations in the world address the problems of the misuse of pesticides and call for sustainable alternatives. The day serves to remind us of the Bhophal Disaster caused by the accidental release of 40 tonnes of methyl isocyanate from a Union Carbide India pesticide plant located in the heart of the Indian city of Bhopal on 3rd December 1984. Thousands of people died then and far more from related illnesses since.
For more information:
Carina Weber, Tel. +49-40-3991910-23, email: carina.weber@pan-germany .org
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