15.01.2015, PAN Germany Press Release
Download of this Press Release dated 15.01.2015 (pdf-file, 233 kb)
A new background paper published by the Environmental NGO Pesticide Action Network Germany (PAN Germany) emphasized that the EU Commission has delayed the evaluation and regulation of potential endocrine-disrupting biocides despite clear legal EU-provisions. PAN Germany provides a list of 27 potential endocrine disruptors. Affected are for example several active substances in wood preservatives and household insecticides.
According to the rules of the EU biocidal regulation, biocides with those endocrine-disrupting properties are subject to an exclusion process if these properties may cause adverse effects to human health or the environment. To date, however, uniform criteria for identifying endocrine disruptors (EDs) are lacking. PAN Germany biocide expert Susanne Smolka: "While the EU Commission due to intensive industry lobbying continues to delay the implementation of the ED criteria, a growing number of biocides suspected of having ED properties are being approved".
An EU consultation is running until tomorrow, 16 January 2015 to gather feedback from the public. An NGO online platform enables individuals to respond to the consultation and tell the European Commission "to remove hormone-disrupting chemicals from our lives to protect our health". Susanne Smolka highlights: "The countdown is running. Everybody can take action with only four easy clicks at https://www.no2hormonedisruptingchemicals.org/en to tell EU to stop exposure to hormone disrupting biocides, pesticides and other chemicals".
Scientific evidence links exposure to hormone disrupting chemicals to spiralling rates of hormone-related cancers such as breast or testicular cancer, fertility problems, diabetes and obesity as well as learning and behavioural problems in children. Exposure also disrupts the hormonal systems of wildlife. The World Health Organization (WHO) has called hormone disrupting chemicals a 'global threat'.
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Contact: Susanne Smolka, Tel. +49(0)40-3991910-24, E-Mail: susanne.smolka(at)pan-germany.org
PAN Germany background paper "Endocrine disrupting biocides - Why highly hazardous biocides must be phased out": http://www.pan-germany.org/download/biocides/ED-Biocides_backgroundpaper_PAN-Germany_F.pdf
PAN Germany Hintergrundpapier "Hormonell wirksame Biozide - Warum hochgefährliche Biozide verbannt werden müssen": http://www.pan-germany.org/download/biozide/ED-Biozide_Hintergrundpapier_PAN-Germany_F.pdf
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